Our GDPR Policy
As from 25th May 2018, new regulations will come into force concerning who can hold your personal data and how it is processed. These regulations are designed to help safeguard data protection rights for individuals and introduces a single set of rules across the EU when it comes to how companies handle data relating to individuals.
Harvey Beric Associates have always securely held our candidates' data on our database and we never, ever pass personal details on to a third party and that will remain unchanged. However, we now need candidates' express permission to process their data - this will affect anyone wishing to register with us who would like to be kept informed of vacancies; anyone attending interviews and anyone carrying out temporary work for us. Individuals will have the right to:
Access all data held on them;
Rectify inaccurate data;
Object to the processing (in certain circumstances), of data;
Export the data in a format that can be used in another IT environment;
Completely erase all data on an individual (in certain circumstances).
If you wish to know more about how we process your data, please do not hesitate to contact us directly or for more general information on the GDPR please visit: GDPR for Individuals